It´s hot. Since we live on the Equator, the hottest times of the year are Spring and Fall when the sun is right at the middle of the world. I´m hot. Sweating hot.
Also, fun holidays to is my compañera´s 20th birthday!!! We haven´t really done much exciting stuff...just normal pday stuff. I bought her ice cream, but that´s about the extent of what I can do to celebrate, which is kind of a rip off. I need decorations! Oh wellziez. Other notable holidays besides Labor Day last week was Rosh Hashanah and Halfy Most Progressive Day of the Year. This week there´s Yom Kippur and Friday the 13th, so get ready to celebrate!
Dad, thank you so much for making me die laughing in your emails. The other gringas in the casa also think you´re hilarious. You also mentioned Moroni 7 in your email, and that´s basically the theme of my new mission president, Presidente Torres. Charity. Without charity, we are nothing. If we want to be true followers of Christ, we must have charity (vs. 28). We can and need to pray for charity, and if we pray in faith, it will be given to us (vs. 26), because if we have faith, we have power to do whatsoever thing (vs. 33). I love the Gospel and I love Jesuscristo!!
This week I was accused of living in a bubble where the world is perfect and I never have any problems. Why can´t people see that it´s the gospel?? The Gospel makes me happy even when I have trials. The gospel helps me face the trials that come so they seem easier. It´s the GOSPEL! It´s changed my life! That´s why I´m here! If people want to have happiness, live the Gospel! That´s all there is to it. Be obedient. Mosiah 2:41.
We had a baptism on Saturday, too! Naomi Castro is the hermanita de Andrea y Anita Castro who got baptized a few weeks ago. At first, she didn't want to get baptized, but then completely changed, and now is a full-fledged, happy member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Her brother Cristhian is a member as of 6 months ago, and in a prayer we had with their whole family, he thanked God for the baptisms of his sisters, and prayed that soon his whole family could be in the same church. In that instant, I pictured their family sealed in the temple, and I know it´ll happen! The dad just has to have enough faith to come to church.
This week, I also learned a lesson in humility. My companion asked me what I wanted to change about myself by going on a mission, and answers such as "I want to know how to study better" or "I want to have more self-control" came to mind. Which, don´t get me wrong, are great things, but what I realized I really need to work on is my humility. Humility. In Therapeutic Recreation, there´s the theory about our belief in our ability, plus our actual skill, equals our performance. Here on the mission, I think I've been aiming too high on my belief in my actual ability. Yes, I have skills, and people have told me for years all about the talents I've been given, but my belief in myself has been too high. In the Gospel, it´s our faith in God and Jesus Christ that helps us to reach our goals, or to move mountains, so to speak--not our faith in ourselves. Here on the mission, doing the Lord's work, being a representative of Jesus Christ, I need to have 100% of my trust and faith and beliefs in God and my Savior. It´s like Alma said in chapter 26...I am nothing. As to my strength I am weak. But I will glory in my God. With Him, all things are possible. Thanks to the humility of Jesus Christ, I can receive forgiveness for my sins. I love the Atonement. I am so grateful for this Gospel and I know I must be humble to receive the help I need. Ether 12:27.
Hermana Ayer
P.S. Sorry you couldn't go to the Mother/daughter campout, Mom. Next year!! : ) : )

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